Garden update

Begonia shared by my  senior rider

Knock out roses blooming whole summer

I think this is Mexican sunflower (perennial)

Fall mums

Angel Trumpet

Papaya plant from compost 


Wrapped persimmon to keep birds away

Pansies on the deck 
I did not do much garden work recently.  It is cold last week but it is going to be warmer again before winter. I have some fall mums, angel trumpets, roses in the garden.  I still get some peppers, sorrel and some beans.  I got the yellow angel trumpet plant from Texas and white trumpet plant is from the seed.  I am happy that the angel trumpet plants are perennial.  


  1. Hi! Leela-Lovely pics as usual-you've become a 'pro' at clicking pics. Keep it up!

  2. Love the sunflower and pansies :) Pansies, as you know, are my all time favorite. Wish I was home to enjoy the garden, but I am currently eating one of our delicious persimmons which makes up for it at least a little.


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