Sunflower that bloomed from last year's seed

Some type of Hibiscus which is perennial 


Flowers from the garden

Sunflower still looks pretty!
Today, I picked some tomatoes, beans, figs and sorrel leaves. I added some more stakes and rope for the vines to grow.  I always find something to do in the garden.

It's raining so much that the grass needs to be cut almost every week.  Rains here in Alabama are like thunderstorms so you don't know when they will come.  Sometimes it rains heavily but the ground does not get soft and it is still hard to dig.

The Cosmos flowers are blooming and new plants are coming in the ground everywhere.  I love to share the extra plants.  Some plants are easy to grow and some like Sedum and purple heart plant needs only a branch to get rooted.


  1. So beautiful and such vibrant colours. We have had some rain too, but not as much as in Alabama ; )
    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment Leela.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Moncha aka Monique


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